HPE StoreOpen Software - LTFS for Tape Libraries
(Version 3.4) Video
Hello in this video I'm going to give a
brief overview of the latest version of
Hewlett Packard enterprises store open
software and demonstrate some of the
great new features which continue to
make tape easy to use. StoreOpen builds
on the foundations of LTFS the Linear
Tape file system to allow simple
familiar access to an LTO tape cartridge
in a way that is similar to a hard drive
or USB memory stick or thumb drive.
HPE provides this storeOpen software
free of charge for use with its store
LTO tape drive products and version 3.4
is the latest release for all three
supported operating system platforms
Linux Mac OS and of course for Windows
StoreOpen software version 3.4 includes
a number of enhancements as well as
defect fixes the most exciting change is
in the Windows version where we now
support tape libraries the previous
release version 3.3 added limited
support for the 1/8 autoloader product
but that has now been extended to across
the whole family of MSL tape libraries
2024 4048 6480 and the latest edition
the 3040.
This support includes up to 2
tape drives in the library which can be
configured in the same library partition
or in two separate partitions. To
demonstrate this let's take a look at a
to drive single partition library in
this case it's a 4048. We can see from
Windows Explorer
that we currently have one tape drive
mounted as the S Drive and if we
right-click on that and select
properties and look at the LTFS details
we see that this drive is in fact
contained within a changer in MSL G3-series and as the serial number of the
library so because this drive is in the
library we get an additional right-click
menu option which is not there for a
standalone Drive when we right click we
have the option to change cartridge
selecting that provides a list of all
the slots within that library
There are
a few things to note here the first and
most obvious is that this particular
library has many empty slots and they're
actually only 8 cartridges present the
second thing you may note is that one of
the line the cartridges has a checkmark
next to it and this is the cartridge
that is currently loaded in this tape
drive, if we want to change cartridge we
simply can select the cartridge we want
so we select that barcode and the
current cartridge will be unmounted
return to the storage slot the new
desired cartridge will be moved into the
tape drive loaded and then mounted so we
now just need to wait for the software
to do its thing as it reloads the
cartridge while it's doing that I could
mention that we could also just return
the cartridge to its original slot
without loading another one by selecting
the original checked entry and the
software would then just return the
cartridge whence it came the process of
returning a cartridge to storage and
selecting a new cartridge or moving it
into the tape drive and remounting it
can take several minutes so the dialogue
box gives you status as that progresses
and it just need to wait for that to
complete when it's done the Explorer
view will refresh and instead of the
previous cartridge we'll see the new one
being visible and there we are the
process has completed and we now instead
of the volume called samples we now have
one called test volume and of course we
could right click on that guy and under
change cartridge you see that the slot
we chose to load 163 is now selected we
could repeat the process and choose a
different cartridge instead what we'll
do is to use the configuration utility
to mount a second drive we currently
have LTO 6 drive mounted as s so if we
select the LTO 5 drive in this library
we'll get them out that is the T Drive
so we select create mapping the drive is
empty currently so it's completed very
quickly and says there's no cartridge so
now we can right-click on the T Drive
and select change cartridge as before
and choose a cartridge to load as our T
volume you'll notice that cartridge 163
has a check mark but it's also grayed
out that's because this cartridge is not
available to us in this drive it's
already mounted in the other Drive in
the s volume so we can't select that one
but we can select one of the others so
let's go with 164 and as before
the process will go and collect the
cartridge move it into the drive and
mount it for us whilst it's loading
let's just think about what happens if
the library has been partitioned in
other words separated into two logical
libraries we'd store open software you
can mount up to two tape drives at the
same time and these can be from the same
partition as in this case but it could
also be from two different partitions in
that case the list of cartridges you see
when you right click reflects the
cartridges that are present in the
corresponding partition so if the two
drives come from two different
partitions you'll see two different
lists of cartridges you cannot exchange
cartridges between the partitions and
nor does store open deal with any
library configuration changes or the
import/export of media for example for
those kinds of operations you need to
use the library front panel or the
remote management interface web page
there we are the volume is completed we
now have S and T drives visible and T it
now contains the samples cartridge which
we had originally in the S drive at the
start of this little video so using the
store open software hope you can see
that it's fairly straightforward to
exchange cartridges and to select the
one you want to load based on the
barcode of the cartridge it may
sometimes be desirable to be able to
change cartridges from a command prompt
or within a script for example
store open version 3.4 for Windows
includes a utility called LTFS libutil
for exactly that purpose so we'll go
ahead and open an LTFS console window
and if you type in LCFS libutil with no
parameters it gives you a summary of the
usage information the - I option is
going to report information about the
drive so let's try that LTFS libutil -
i s :
prints out information about the tape
drive which is mounted as s the
cartridge and the library that it's the
drive is associated with you can also
list out the cartridge slots in the
library with the minus L option if you
include - n then it suppresses the empty
slots which is probably a good if you've
got a lot of empty slots so and you that
it'll tell you that we have two drives
these are the cartridges in those drives
and these are the other cartridges in
storage slots and if we wanted to go
ahead and mount for example this one BTT
165 we could do that we could change the
S drive - oops - B BT t 1 6 5 5 we're
going to ask it to be a bit more verbose
as it does it and we want to put it in
the S Drive so this is equivalent to
doing the right-click operation it'll
try and find that cartridge make sure
it's in the library it'll try and
unmount the volume that's currently in
the tape drive return the cartridge to
the storage slot then it selects
cartridge you've asked for moves that
into the tape drive if we look at the
Explorer view at the moment you'll see
that the S Drive currently has no
cartridge because we just unloaded it
and wend a load and remount is complete
that should refresh to describe the new
cartridge that we just loaded which
should be 165 and there we are we now
have test volume 2 loaded and mounted as
our new s drive we could come across
here right click and look at the
cartridge and sure enough that is now
165 you'll notice that 164 is grayed out
because that's in the T drive now so
there we are that's a very quick
overview of how storeOpen software now supports tape libraries and I hope you'll
find that useful.
Conctact your BackupWorks Account Rep today and ask
about HPE StoreOpen Software Version 3.4