LTO and the Media Creation Space - Checkout this video of LTO for Dummies
From the basics of LTO to LTFS for rich media and everything in between.
Video Transcript:
Hello and welcome to another episode of 5 things – a web series dedicated to answering
the 5 burning tech questions you have about technologies and workflows in the media creation space.
Plus, tech stuff I dig, and how it's used. Today we're adding yet another
acronym to your tech vocabulary: LTO. For a Limited Time Only You have a License
To Operate… Lettuce, Tomato and Onion...? No, tech friends, it's yet another
FU#*&NG storage medium, because, you know, spinning
disk, solid state, optical drives, and the cloud just didn't keep us busy enough.
It's magnetic tape, and it's the least sexy sibling in the storage family.
It's been around since the late 90’s. Linear Tape Open was initially used to backup Excel
documents and your credit card numbers in data centric business centers. It’s only been
over the past 8 or 9 years or so that the capacity, speed, and file accessibility has
allowed LTO to be used in the realm most of us are familiar with...that is, with rich media.
Initially, folks used proprietary and expensive software to write data onto an LTO tape in
a TAR format. The TAR format is a way of wrapping many files together - much like a ZIP file,
only TAR retains user and file permissions. While TAR was great at wadding up all of your files
up for retrieval at a later date, it could be quite a pain to retrieve any 1 file.
Often times the entire TAR file had to be scanned - or in some cases, the entire TAR had to
be restored and all of the data extracted - for your one single file.
Movie Clip: "Galaxy Quest" MATHESAR: The historical documents of your culture...
Yes, in fact we have begun to document our own history, from your example...
And so it was, in the year of our lord 2010, LTFS was brought to the tape masses.
LTFS, or Linear Tape File System - enabled LTO tape drives to be seen and somewhat utilized at
the OS level, kinda like a USB or thumb drive would appear on your system...with some caveats.
As LTFS emerged on the scene as a way to bypass many of the hurdles of tape usage, it was
the capacity and speed of the LTFS format that made the format very attractive.
GB and TB of data could fit in your hand, could run at speeds far surpassing firewire 800, and
it cost 6x less than the cheapest hard drives out there.
Today, we have LTO-7; clocking in at 6TB per tape and
reaching speeds of up to 300MB/s. As is with most tech things nowadays, price is
the overriding factor. LTO-7 is cheaper than the cloud, as well as even the
cheapest bargain bin hard drives. Check out this chart here: It’s difficult to
compare cloud storage, which is based a rental model, vs buying drives outright,
which is a 1 time cost. So, I’ve averaged prices out over 4 years. After 4
years, 80% of hard drives out in the wild still function, so it’s a good
ballpark number to compare from. Another key statistic not represented is that
data on an LTO tape can be compressed, thereby gaining 2 or more times the
storage space on the same LTO tape. When we also look at read and write times,
LTO-7 has a theoretical max speed of 300MB/s. This is much faster than USB 2.0
and any flavor of Firewire, as well as almost 3x faster than standard office
ethernet connections. I’ll admit, even though it's twice as fast as the last gen
of LTO-6, it's becoming less impressive, with newer computers coming stock with
USB 3.0, eSATA and Thunderbolt ports…but it still smokes your few MegaBytes a
second up to the cloud. Now, I’m sure most of us have had the unfortunate
experience to lose a beloved hard drive. Either due to age, or knocking a can of
cherry coke onto the drive. (true story) Hard drives are volatile punk bastards
and often leave this mortal coil way too soon. Quote: "King of the Hill" Hank:
Bobby you joke around like that in public, people are gonna think you ain't
right. LTO tape, on the other hand, takes a licking, and keeps on ticking. While
the cloud is undeniably the most reliable and immune to random bouts of cherry
coke, the aforementioned upload and download speed to the cloud severely impacts
the usefulness of the medium. You also get dinged a bit more on retrieval of
that cloud stored media, which could seriously hose your budget. LTO is rated
for 15-30 years of shelf life - which makes it an ideal candidate for secure,
long term backup and archival. As a bonus, many studios and networks often have
a deliverables list with LTO tapes listed as a mandatory format. As I hinted to
a few minutes ago, the read and write speeds are no longer as attractive as they
were even a few years ago. While they're good, they're not as fast as a newer
Thunderbolt or SAS RAID. The upside is that every 2-3 years, a new version of
LTO comes out, and speed usually increases dramatically from version to version.
TV Clip: "Six Million Dollar Man" We can rebuild him. We have the technology.
Better, stronger, faster. LTO specs, as developed by the LTO Consortium - detail
the roadmap and specifications that all magnetic data tape manufacturers adhere
to. Part of these specs outline that each LTO drive must be able to read tapes
that are 2 generations older. This means that an LTO-7 drive purchased today
(finger) can read media from an LTO-5 tape from 2010. While as a user you can
certainly hang onto that LTO-7 drive so in 10 years you can pull that old media
back, most users will want to migrate the data to a newer tape format for the
increased data capacity and compatibility. This can be challenging, with new
versions to the LTO format emerging every 2-3 years. So, do you migrate, or like
that old Floppy, Zip or JAZ drive you may have, do you just hang on to the
reader? Movie Clip" "SpaceBalls": Even in the future nothing works! Back to
LTFS: using LTFS to make tape usage easier is not 100% foolproof. While drivers
to use LTFS are free to download, some OSes have a hellova time reliably reading
and writing directly to tape. Thus, we require middleware - custom software - to
bridge the gap from OS to tape. Often, these pieces of software have a price
tag, from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars or more. In addition, the
hardware - a single tape drive, will also be over $2000 at the bare minimum.
Utilizing LTO requires 3 things, as much as I wish it were 5. An LTO drive,
software to read from and write to the drive, and blank media. These can either
be purchased individually, or in the case of some turnkey systems, as a bundle.
These single drives typically connect via SAS, which means you’ll need a SAS
card inside your computer - yet another cost. However, many companies like
mLogic make mTape- which is the first Thunderbolt LTO drive. It’s an IBM drive
inside, but connects via a Thunderbolt cable to your computer. Keep in mind,
these are single drives. When we get into large volume scenarios, we then have
the option of multislot libraries, capable of automatically rotating tapes with
less manual intervention. We now need the glue which ties all of this
together…the software. Backing up something is useless if you can’t find it
later. The software that bridges the gap between your brain and the data you
want to find is the most important choice in your LTO strategy. For example,
basic software solutions, such as PreRollPost by Imagine Products offers the
inherent ability to write and retrieve media to and from LTO, but it also adds
several fields - tags - which allow you to further associate your raw data with
searchable terms. On the more robust side, we have solutions such as DNA
Evolution by StorageDNA. While you can also write, and retrieve data and add
tags, DNA Evolution also works with many NLEs to automate project and media
archival, handle offline and online workflows with LTO, as well as interact with
asset management. In heavy media centric environments, the ability to find data
by how the media was used, and not just by the basic attributes of the raw file
can drastically reduce search time. When you have hundreds of TB or even PB,
it's cheaper than enterprise spinning disk, and almost as easily accessible.
Many solutions, including DNA Evolution, also come as an all-in-one solution...
The drive as well as the software. One throat to choke as we say. Movie Clip:
"Full Metal Jacket" "Now choke yourself!" "Goddamn it, with MY hand, numb-nuts!"
Single HP, Quantum and IBM LTO drives traditionally start around $3000 or so.
I’ve found some as low at $2000, but these are usually no name brands which make
my Spidey sense tingle. Software to make them go can start as low as $500, as is
the case with software like PreRollPost. On the more professional side, software
can go for $10,000 or more depending on the functionality of the software, and
how it plays in your entire infrastructure and your particular workflows.
Complete turnkey solutions, such as DNA Evolution start around $8000 and scale
from there, dependent on the hardware and software options. More often than not,
the choice of what system to go with hinges on the "pay now, or pay later"
philosophy. Do you want to pay less, and spend more time manually moving and
tracking media and sifting through the data to find what you want? Or, front
load with more sophisticated software to reduce the labor involved later?
Update: LTO-8 is now available, with 12TB
Native and up to 30TB compressed. Contact your rep at for
a quote today at 866 801 2944