From strength to strength: latest growth figures for LTO tape storage media
The amount of data being stored on tape media is up 21%,
according to Santa Clara Consulting Group (SCCG).
SCCG’s latest quarterly update to their Worldwide
Tape Media Tracker shows healthy growth in unit shipments, revenue and market share for the second calendar quarter of 2014 (2Q14).
The results are substantial proof of the continued strength of tape market
demand, with total tape storage media shipments (excluding proprietary
enterprise tape shipments) reaching 6,400 petabytes for the quarter. In
short, demand is 21% up on last year. So much for the decline in
popularity of tape storage!
On the up – tape demand continues to climb
Tape storage plays a pivotal and expanding role in today’s modern data centers, providing a vital storage medium for tackling large, fast growing data volumes, longer data retention legislation, and shrinking IT budgets.
Not only is tape storage being tapped for traditional backup, disaster recovery and compliance, it is fast becoming the medium of choice in active file archive, low cost NAS storage, and as a deep cloud archive.