Free RDX Cartridge Encryptor RCE from Tandberg Data
RDX Cartridge Encryptor (RCE) is a free software from Tandberg Data that allows RDX users to easily encrypt data stored on RDX disk cartridges. RCE incorporates industry standard AES 256-bit encryption combined with secure erase and cryptographic key deletion, Optimized for performance and simplicity, this free encryption software appeals to small business owners who have or will adopt strict security policies for their data.
Free RDX encryption software from Tandberg Data
Locks and Unlocks Cartridge access and readability
Easy installation on Windows systems
Easily encrypt and secure your data on RDX
Secure erase overwrite technology
Based on the industry
standard AES 256
bit encryption
Provides also password
protection for the media
RCE is compatible with all past and future RDX drives and media
RCE is compatible with RDX QuikStor and RDX QuikStation
Runs on Windows XP, 7, 8 and Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012