Archiware P5 Companion
Drag-and-drop to archive and restore with P5 Archive
P5 Companion is a desktop application for Windows, macOS and Linux that allows files from local or shared storage to be
archived and restored by simple drag-and-drop operations. Data is archived and restored via communication with a P5 Server running the P5 Archive software.
P5 Archive is able to archive files to either disk storage, LTO tape or to one of a variety of cloud storage platforms.
Key P5 Companion Features:
- Drag-and-drop folders from local or network storage to archive to tape, disk or cloud storage.
- Runs on any macOS, Windows or Linux workstation computer.
- Just an Archiware P5 Archive license required, no per-workstation licensing.
- Archived files replaced with small ‘stub’ files that point to the original in the archive.
- Drag-and-drop these stub files to restore.
- Search/browse/restore from the P5 Archive index in a web browser.