RDX - Capacity Utilization
with Removable Disk Storage
One major issue that has become exacerbated over time is the
utilization of the capacity of the removable storage. This could be considered
an important component when evaluating the efficiency of the removable storage.
Removable storage has had a long history of usage for data protection and
information interchange.
Depending on the technology used, it may be very difficult to
effectively utilize the capacity of the removable storage. If the data must be
written in an encapsulated form on a serial access media, the amount of capacity
used is typically the amount of data that the application software such as a
backup program would encapsulate and write at any one time. The available space
could be used by putting another encapsulated collection of data but only after
all the previously written data had been passed over. In the past, the general
usage case was to put only one of the sets of data on a removable technology at
a time. Rarely was the effort taken to utilize all the available media.
In the mainframe world this became more of a problem as the
technology improved and capacity increased. Hardware systems and software
products were developed to stack multiple “virtual volumes” together on one
physical volume. Even then, because of updating and expirations, the utilization
was far less than optimal.
RDX removable disk provides the
ability to use the capacity purchased. Representing a disk with a file system,
RDX stores independent data files
whether they are backup sets, archive files, or interchange data. Additional
files can be added at will with the random access ability of disk storage. This
inherent technological difference allows a greater effective use of the storage
Purchasing a technology where it is difficult to use the
capacity or requires additional hardware or software systems is not recognizing
the limitations of the usage model. Having the ability to easily use the
available capacity in the same manner as local disk storage is a huge step
forward in efficiency. The utilization factor, how much of what is paid for is
being used, can be significant in establishing value.